mista mista - Fugees

見.聽,感 2009. 2. 19. 00:18

이 노래를 맨 처음 내가 접한 건
96년 미국에서 LA로 가는 일본친구의 찻속에서 들은 노래다.

Fugees의 두번째이자 마지막 앨범이 그 해 2월에 나왔으니 꽤나 싱싱할 때 들은 셈이다.

가사는 정말 험하기 그지없는데...내용은
[건전가요]로 분류해야 하지 않을까.

Mista mista,
Can I get five dollars,
So I can get something to eat
You can't get no money from me
Cause everytime I give you a dollar
You go get shot up with more and more needles
And you tell me that you're drug free
Drug Free
Mista mista,
I haven't ate anything for a week
Can I get a quarter?
What can a quarter get you?
Nothing mf,
You are just f***ed up
Off them f****d up drugs,
You know you need to leave alone
But you keep telling me that you're drug free
You ain't drug free, you're a fiend
And everytime I try to help you
You pretend as if it's okay
Then later on in the week
You go back to shootin' needles, to sniffin',
Oh mf, but you told me you were DRUG FREE
You ain't drug free mf
So you damn well, can't get no mfin' money from me.

듣다보면 몽롱하니 자다가 욕먹은 느낌이 나는 노래.

Posted by 荊軻